That’s right. Everyone working for Beach Balls will become a part owner of the company.
And hourly employees will be paid a living wage with benefits and a 401K without having to rely on tips.
We want passionate, reliable, and committed people on our team. And you will be rewarded accordingly.
“Exempt” careers have four day work weeks and spend a lot of time working in a virtual office environment to prioritize family and healthy lifestyles as well as align with our Core Values of social responsibility, sustainability, and just plain fun.
Coming Opportunities:
Fort Bragg, CA Flagship Store #1, East Bay Area, CA Store #2, South Lake Tahoe, CA Store #3, Seattle Store #5, and strategizing about helping in Paradise, California and Lahaina, Maui and with Stores #8 and #9.
Retail Hourly Opportunities: Surfer Servers, Watch Leaders, and Store Captains.